Weleda Blogger Box Review - Pretty In Bronze

Monday, May 29, 2017

Weleda Blogger Box Review


I received a new blogger box from Msquared brands a month ago filled with several awesome Weleda products! The items ranged from a toothpaste to body-washes to face creams. All of the products that I received were different from the previous blogger box, which is super exciting because I love trying new things out.

I'll start off with the Mighty Essentials bag that came filled with sample sized products.

Skin Food Ultra-Rich Cream

I was really excited to see that I got the famous Skin Food product that I've been seeing people raving about. While I hadn't actually read any reviews on it, I have tried it a few times and was confused at first. I did notice that it's very moisturizing, but I had no clue what it was truly meant for. I hopped online and looked up reviews and it's basically a super-product (if that makes any sense) that helps with dry skin. I now use this on dry patches that I find on my face—mainly where there are old acne spots that have dried up. I don't know that it's a holy grail product as I have a skin care routing that really works for me, but this is great to chuck in a bag because it apparently works well on eczema!

UPDATE: This is magic! I learned that this can be used on acne and it shrunk my acne down so quickly! It even made my cystic acne come out quicker and shrink right down while keeping it from turning red! Now that I know that this is pretty much sorcery I'm 95% going to buy the full size with the coupon because I've never used anything that has worked so well to get rid of my acne! This in conjunction with the salicylic acid that I have is perfection!

Salt Toothpaste

The toothpaste was... interesting. It really cleaned my teeth, but the taste is horrible! I'm Brazilian and love adding extra salt to food (I literally put a salt packet into ketchup when eating fries), but this toothpaste just tasted wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but while it was gross my teeth did feel really nice afterwards. While I would never repurchase due to the taste, I do feel that this would be a great product for those of you with sensitive gums. Several years back when I had first gotten my braces removed I had really sensitive gums and had to do a salt rinse every night. Instead of doing a salt rinse, I feel like using this toothpaste a few times a week might help!

Tip: Use this with your toothbrush DRY. I didn't even notice that tip until I started writing this blog post. Do I think it's better than using it wet? Yes! It doesn't taste nearly as gross and it feels even cleaner!

Arnica Massage Oil

I have not tried this yet (Looking at you, Steven!), but I will hopefully soon so I can update this blog post. I didn't want to wait any longer before uploading this so this is the only product that's missing.

Almond Soothing Facial Lotion

This is pretty nice. It's nothing special because once again, I love my current skin care. I do have sensitive skin so if it's acting up for whatever reason I'll put this on my face so I don't waste any of my everyday moisturizer and this seems to do the trick to calm it down! I can see myself bringing this around if I'm sleeping over somewhere so I don't have to lug my skincare with me, but other than that I'll use it for it's purpose—soothing!

Sea Buckthorn Creamy Body Wash

This is a really nice body wash. The name isn't lying when it tells you that it's creamy. My skin feels really nice after using this and I think at this point I might only have one more use (I use a lot of body wash at a time). It seems like Weleda does a great job when it comes to body washes considering I really love the full sized one they also provided in this box! I'll talk about that one next. Fun fact about this product: The organic sea buckthorn is cultivated in Tuscany, Italy that is run by a family business that uses sustainable farming practices.

I got a $3 off of any one full-sized product coupon with the little Mighty Essentials pouch and you might be surprised to read this, but I think I'll go for the toothpaste. Not only is it affordable, it's something that I don't really already have and could come in handy if my gums ever decide to be sensitive!

Calendula Intensive Skin Recovery

This is something I definitely need to use more before giving an actual review. I have been using it and it does not irritate me. I feel like it makes my redness less visible during the day if I put it on at night, but I need to use it for a while longer to see if it actually repairs my skin!

Evening Primerose Revitalizing Body Wash

This is amazing! I love this stuff so much and wish it were easier to find in person. This is so soft and does not irritate my skin whatsoever. Not even on my shins! My shins and tops of my feet are the most sensitive parts of my body considering that's where all of my eczema shows up at the end of summer. This just cleaned my super well as well as moisturized me. I'm very impressed by it. I also really like the scent! You don't need too much product at once, which is great for me because I usually use a ton of product, but this will probably last me another month, which is pretty awesome!

Evening Primerose Age Revitalizing Day cream

This is a pretty average day cream for the price. It's better than the drugstore moisturizers that I've tried, but in comparison to the high end ones it doesn't really do anything special. My mom uses this the most because I have my moisturizer that I love so much. This is probably the most "eh" product out of the bunch in my opinion, but it's still not bad which says a lot about Weleda.

Evening Primerose Age Revitalizing Night Cream

This is surprisingly a lot better than the day cream. I've tried this at least 4–6 times and it really moisturized my face without irritating it. I woke up every morning with my skin feeling nice and not dehydrated. I do use a few serums under my moisturizer, which definitely adds to the feeling of my skin, but in comparison to the day cream I find this one way more worth it!

Overall I really liked the Weleda blogger box! I highly recommend their products because they do work and the ingredients are very good! I tried out a few of their products in the last blogger box so I will link that right here for you to check out!

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you've tried out any of these products and how you liked them!

- Amy
