February 2021 - Pretty In Bronze

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Where have I been and what's going on with my skin?
February 20, 20210 Comments


It's been a long time since I've done a blog post and believe me when I say that it was not the plan. I haven't been able to wear makeup in a while now, and I haven't even been able to use most of my skincare either. I have a weird eczema (I think) situation going on with one spot on my nose that has been out of control. 

It started a few months back and got worse when I poked at it, but eventually calmed down. It's never gone away completely, but it was just flat, didn't itch, but looked pink. I thought it was acne at first, but I was very wrong about that. A few weeks back the spot was no longer flat and a tiny bump formed, soon turning into several bumps that all connected and suddenly that spot was red and angry. It was so bad that I had to wear a bandaid to hide it for video calls. The bandaid looked ridiculous and I had multiple co-workers message me to ask if my nose was ok, or if I'd gotten work done on my nose, but it was still better than having the Rudolph like spot on the bridge of my nose.

The bandaid worked for about three days before my skin reacted badly to the adhesive. I had blotches on both sides of the spot that were itchy and raised (it looked like contact dermatitis) so I had to put an end to hiding the spot, even though I could clearly see it in my peripheral vision.

What the spot looked like for most of February + irritation on the sides of my nose from the bandaids

My doctor isn't seeing patients aside for pregnancy-related appointments due to the pandemic. Because of this I resorted to doing online doctors appointments, but when I finally booked one, it lasted three minutes with me having to convince the doctor to go on camera to look at my nose. It didn't matter because she'd prescribed me antibiotics for cold sores before even looking at it and hung up before I could ask if she thought a warm compress could help. Of course the antibiotics did nothing, because the spot on my nose is most likely eczema. The cream I normally use did help, but it's been weeks since the flare up and it still hasn't fully gone away.

Before the flare up I tried using skincare, but everything would make the spot really red. I can't even wash my face with my cleanser or apply a moisturizer all over without it being irritated. I'm at a loss at this point and really want to see a dermatologist, but I need a doctor in order to do that and that isn't looking very plausible in the near future. When it finally calms down I'll go back to using skincare so I can hopefully find a good routine that won't irritate my apparently super-sensitive skin.

After a few weeks of applying my prescribe steroid cream for eczema MULTIPLE times a day (I'm talking three to five times a day) and not using any product aside from water on my face, the spot started to fade from the middle.

Slowly starting to heal from the middle outwards.

I'm hopeful, but still very annoyed because this spot is super noticeable and obviously not just acne. If you've ever experienced this, please let me know what I can do to make sure this dosn't happen again, or at least how to make it go away much quicker!

See you soon!
