Quick updates! - Pretty In Bronze

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Quick updates!

I just posted a video talking about updates for the month, but I'll do a quick summary below.

Here's a breakdown about what I talk about in the video

1. My best friend is moving in with us temporarily (a few weeks to a month and a bit most likely

2. Because of this the apartment tour will be delayed OR I'll show the second bedroom AKA my filming room later on when she moves out (YOU can decide which one you would prefer)

3. My background/filming location will be different until she moves out and I'll be experimenting with different locations so see what works best for me and you guys

4. Uploads will stay the same (once a week) for the meantime as I might be getting a full time job on top of my other part time, but if not they'll probably turn into twice a week when I get into the swing of things.

Thank you for reading!

Amy Sousa
