Chorus Supernatural Shampoo and Conditioner Review ~ Canadian Company! - Pretty In Bronze

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Chorus Supernatural Shampoo and Conditioner Review ~ Canadian Company!


I have another exciting review today! I'm especially excited because this is a Canadian company. I really want to talk about more Canadian companies on here and on my YouTube channel because I find that they're really hard to find and usually don't get talked about (even by the few Canadian YouTubers that I follow).

Chorus originally reached out to me about skincare, but since I have a good routine going on right now, I inquired about other products that they have. They were super nice and sent me a "sample" of their shampoo and conditioner. I was expecting the "sample" to be in mini bottles to use once or twice, but they're full size! I'm not being paid for this post and all of my opinions are honest, as usual. Even if I were being paid they'd be honest otherwise I wouldn't accept it! I just enjoy trying out new things and reviewing them so people will be able to do research before buying products :D


My hair is naturally SUPER curly. Like full on doll ringlets curly. Most would think that it's super rough in texture, but they're soft ringlets (that used to be golden, but as I got older it turned brown.) I no longer have that hair since I get Japanese Permanent Straightening done every year (which will turn into twice a year once I graduate and pay off my student loans). That surprisingly doesn't absolutely destroy my hair, but last year I went blonde. I started out with highlights and the second time around I was 100% platinum because my hair apparently turns white when bleached. The bleach ruined my hair so even though I'm back to brunette, it's not going to be healthy again for a few years.

Because of the state of my hair I'm super picky when it comes to shampoo and conditioner. I haven't used drugstore shampoos or conditioners in years. I'd always go for salon brands as they're a lot safer. When Chorus sent me their press release I was (and still am) super impressed! Their products are super safe with no harmful chemicals. They were also awarded the  CertClean Safety Designation. Here's a chart that really shows how safe their products are

Impressive, right? Next up is my review. This was not love at first sight, but when I fell, I fell hard.

Review: Gentle Shampoo and Conditioner

The first time I used this I followed the direction on the back of both products. The morning before I wash my hair (usually in the afternoon) I load it up with coconut oil to help make it a bit healthier. I washed my hair once with the shampoo and followed the other directions on massaging the product in for a certain amount of time, and using the conditioner all over before rinsing. The back does say that you can repeat the shampoo, but I've never done this before so I just did my usual thing. This didn't work for me at all and I thought that it was just the product. My hair got greasy super quickly, but I know that sometimes it takes a little while for hair to get used to a new product.

The next week, since I wash my hair once a week, was a completely different experience! This time I washed my hair twice and applied the conditioner everywhere below ear level. This worked PERFECTLY for me! My hair did not get visibly oily until Friday, the day before I wash my hair (that's basically an entire week). The funny thing is that after straightening my hair it did feel oily, but that feeling was gone the next day and lasted until the Friday.

I dye my hair dark brown every month with box dye to keep it dark. With my last shampoo *cough Kevin Murphy cough* most of it would wash out by the third week. The Chorus Supernatural shampoo is super colour safe! My hair is still pretty dark and at this rate I feel like it'll last for at least two months. It's not as dark as when I dyed it, but that's because the first week after I dyed it I still hadn't received the Chorus shampoo and conditioner, so I was using my other shampoo.

Needless to say I'm really impressed with these! They are really gentle on your hair so it won't ruin it if you wash your hair several times a week (like most people do). My hair feels super soft and healthy (after straightening it) considering all of the damage that I've caused to it. If you have non-damaged hair this will make your hair extremely soft! I'm going to stick to washing once a week while I grow my hair out to reach mermaid status, but perhaps once I'm there I'll up it to twice a week.

Now for availability and prices.

The Chorus Supernatural "Gentle" Shampoo retails for $15.00 CAD. Much cheaper than my old shampoo and other high-end brands.

The Chorus Supernatural "Gentle" Conditioner retails for $19.90 CAD. Still much cheaper, and I run out of shampoo way quicker than conditioner. Weird, right? I probably use two shampoo bottles for every conditioner bottle, so when I run out I'll be buying it that way!

Overall I'm extremely impressed and will definitely be purchasing when I run out :) You can't beat that price, and in my experience with high end hair care, this is even better for what I'm looking for! Here's a picture of me from a few days ago. This was taken on Monday night, so a day and a half after washing my hair. I'm always on Snapchat and Instagram so you can see my hair there too. Snap is amysousa and Insta is beautybyamysousa (linked on the side--->) I'll also eventually (like several months from now) do a hair care routine so you'll see everything that I do to my hair from prep to styling to maintenance. But if you watch my videos in general you can see what my hair looks like there as well :) (Hint my next one was filmed with fourth day hair)

If you're interested in buying these products, check out Chorus' website down below! They are based out of British Columbia, but they do ship worldwide! They also sell their products in stores (in British Columbia) so you can check out their "store locater" page on their website. In general Chorus has been super friendly, which makes me love them even more! I'm a big fan of good customer support so this was a huge win for me! Here are the links to their website and social media profiles! And no, none of these links are affiliate links! 
