Pretty In Bronze

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fall Favourite TAG
October 10, 20150 Comments
Hello again!   This week I'm doing a  TAG video and blogpost. These are a lot easier to write about because it allows me to link everything as I talk about it. The actual video is at the bottom of this post if you would rather watch that :) Remember if you do to watch it on youtube so you can see who's been tagged and all that :)

So here are the questions for the tag:


Favorite Candle 

Warm Vanilla Sugar (Bath and Body Works) by far. It's super warm scented and smells like you're baking a vanilla cake. It's not overwhelming at all, but the scent is strong enough to make the entire room and hallway smell amazing.

Favorite Lip Color: I have three: 1. Just So by Revlon 2. Cosmo by Mac 3. Purply pink? (Fail)By Lancome. These are my three favourites for years, but I know I'm going to have at least two other favourites being 1. Kat Von D's Vampira and 2. MAC's Speak Louder.

Favorite Drink French Vanilla from Timmies (Tim Horton's). Apparently there isn't any caffeine in it, but it wakes me up really quickly (maybe it's the amount of sweeteners that I put in).

Favorite Blush: Coastal Scents Blush Duo in Forever Blush. It has a warmer side (Fresh) that looks really good while blended closely to my bronzer because we all know I'm not a fan of blush AT ALL. I only want to try that one luminoso blush by milani and an hour glass one before I make it definitive. 

Favorite Clothing Item: Sweat pants are my number one for a variety of reasons including comfort, wearing leggings underneath them to make them super warm, and when I eat a large meal they help conceal my food baby. Scarves - I have a lot of those to help make my black winter jacket not look so plain jane!  I also have like 7-9 pairs of boots when most girls I know have two- maybe three?

Favorite Fall Movie: Twitches (Both of them), Halloween Town (entire series),The Brothers Grimm and The Corpse Bride (can you sense a theme?)

Favorite Fall TV Show: Once Upon a Time season 5 is coming out yayayayayyayayay! And The Vampire Diaries (even though I'm incredibly behind)

Favorite Thanksgiving Food: Turkey and it's glorious Gravy!

Favorite Halloween Costume: From what I've been in the past: Luigi. For what I want to be: Persephone or Aphrodite (easy I know), Alice in Wonderland (original or Tim Burton Themed)  or Little Red Riding Hood (a darker version).

That's it for my fall favourites this year! I'll make one again next year if a lot changes, but I doubt they will other than favourite costumes and possibly favourite blush (If I can find one that I would actually not be afraid to put on).  I hope you've enjoyed the tag and if you watch me on youtube and I also watch you, check out the downbar (Description box?) to see if you were tagged. Even if you weren't I'd love it if you did the tag and linked it to me :) In my video I added a tenth question (which is the second part of favorite Halloween costume, where I mention what I dream to be for Halloween) so it'd be awesome to see people doing that as well!

Have a great week everyone!

Amy Sousa

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

One Year Anniversary! + Makeup Video
September 27, 20151 Comments
Hello everyone! Today is a special blog post for me because I just celebrated my one year anniversary with my boyfriend Steven and I want to summarize what we did and hopefully it doesn't sound braggy- I'm just super happy about it.  To start off the celebration we had already purchased our gifts for each other. I bought him his favourite cologne that he believed wasn't available anywhere out of New York (he's strange and doesn't actually do online research for these types of things unless it's car related) so I found it on the Burberry website and ordered it from the UK. For my present Steven bought be an amazing Rose Gold ring pictured below (The pink stone is Morganite and the others are diamonds)

I also attempted to vlog and will most likely be putting one up in the middle of the week (the weekends are just for the beauty related videos) so if you're interested you can see what I do on a day to day basis over a few days (I'm a really boring person and ramble a lot).

I filmed a makeup video for what I did for that night. Unfortunately the day fell on a Thursday so we only had the chance to go to a movie so I decided that because my skin was really good that I wasn't going to do foundation and just focus on the eyes and lips. We ended up watching the scorch trials and Spoiler alert if you haven't read the book but zombies? I HATE THEM IF I KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO BE IN THAT MOVIE I NEVER WOULD'VE GONE. But it was good. I just have an irrational fear of zombies considering I never watched anything with zombies before and constantly have nightmares of them. But Dylan O'Brien is bae basically (Steven was not happy about my little squeal when he popped up on the screen).

Anyways- here's the video!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

First Fall Tutorial of 2015 ~ Colour Series Orange
September 20, 2015 2 Comments
Hello beauties and welcome (especially to those of you from Beau Bloggers!) This post is more of a video post (as per usual), but this is my first fall tutorial for 2015! I used mainly drugstore (and drugstore priced) products for my look mixed in with a few higher end basics that I always use. Here's the actual video and for those of you who would rather not watch the video tutorial I can explain the basic products that I used.  I've linked the higher end products down below the video.


Face (Most not shown in video)


There really isn't any explaining to do to attain this look. If you aren't watching the tutorial you're probably better at makeup than I am and understand how to apply the makeup. Basically I started with the dark brown from the pallette in the crease, which honestly I regret doing as it made the orange not show up as much as I would've liked. Thankfully the makeup geek shadow is crazy pigmented so it ended up well. The eyeliner was a huge fail considering it's starting to dry out and I cannot for the life of me do well with my eyeliner while filming, but It's just a regular wing.

Summer Makeup Look ~ Day Time ~ Collaboration with nataliexx
September 20, 20150 Comments
Hello all! This week is an exciting video because it's in collaboration with another beauty vlogger on youtube!  Check the video out on youtube and look at the description box for her info!
