Welcome! - Pretty In Bronze

Saturday, December 06, 2014


This is at least the 10th blog I've ever created because I can never make up my mind on what I want to blog about. I have a blog on Tumblr dedicated to fashion and another for comedy and personal things. I even run an advice blog. But my true passion lies with makeup.

I am a huge beauty junkie who will spend countless hours on end watching videos by amazing beauty vloggers like Shaaanxo, MakeupByTiffanyD, and Lauren Curtis, and I've even attempted to make my own. Unfortunately good lighting and a great camera is expensive so I never got many viewers due to the low quality, but that's besides the point because I had a lot of fun doing it.

I wanted to get into blogging and making videos again, but this time I'm going to do it differently. I'm planning ahead. This blog will mainly be focused on reviews for new products, subscription boxes, and cult favourites. Don't worry though- I'm still going to be doing posts on special makeup looks (Christmas, New Years, other holidays and special events,) but this blog itself will mainly be for reviews. I'll still post other types of videos on my youtube channel. I won't always have a video to go along with the posts, but I'll always have swatches if it's a lipstick/blush/bronzer/eyeshadow/etc based reviews.

Once in a while (on special occasions) I will have blog posts that are there to help you out and that aren't focused around reviews, but they will still be beauty related. My plan is to start out this winter (which is in a few weeks!) But I've learned to not make promises. Especially because I work part time and I'm a full time student.

I will take a while to start building up content, but I hope you enjoy it when I really start :)
