Pretty In Bronze

Monday, June 05, 2017

Flickable Lip Gloss Review ~ Available at The Hudson's Bay!
June 05, 20170 Comments

I have another exciting review! I received these a few weeks ago to test out some of their lip glosses that are brand new to Canada! This was the first time I was actually being sent lip products so I was already excited to try it so thank you to the Brill Communications team and Flickable! These lip glosses are really affordable at just $6 CAD and they are sold exclusively at The Hudson's Bay!

Left to Right: #1, #4, #5, #3, #2
There are 5 lip glosses total and I love them all! Some are more pigmented than others, but they all smell and taste amazing! I'm going to list the colours and show you arm swatches as well as insert pictures where I'm wearing the red gloss with a my lips but better colour underneath. The words in bold describe the scent and taste, but I'm sure you already knew that!

-        Better Off Red 01: Berry: 
-        Do Ya Pink I’m Sexy 02: Passion Fruit
-        Citrus How We Do 03: Tangerine
-        Toffee Talk 04: English Toffee
-        Flight for Your White to Party 05: Sugar Cookie

Left to Right: #5, #4, #2, #3, & #1 (Top without flash, bottom with flash)

These glosses are not sticky whatsoever, which means that they're not super long wearing, but I don't ever expect that from lip gloss in the first place since I only use them to add a bit of shine to matte lipstick or to throw on to give my lips a tiny bit of life. The lip glosses contain ingredients like meadow foam sea oil, jojoba seed oil so they are very moisturizing, which is rare to me because most lip glosses that I've tried feel moisturizing at first and then dry out my lips soon after.

My favourite out of the bunch for colour is definitely #3 because orange toned lipsticks work really well on my skin tone, but the sugar cookie taste and scent for #5 is so yummy and I can wear it on top of any colour without changing the colour! It's a close second since I wouldn't wear it on its own, but man does it taste and smell delicious.

Same as previous order. Photo taken with flash to show a more accurate representation of colour


While the packaging is super adorable it does make it awkward to store. I'm also unsure oh how this is going to work out when most of the product gets used up since the applicator can't reach the edges, but I have a feeling that I'll open them up when it gets to that point and put the product into a little sample container. The glosses are also pretty sheer, so it's really hard to be able to tell which one's you're wearing with the exception of Better Off Red. The pro with that is that you probably don't need to buy all 5, but I'll let you know below which ones are my top 3!

Order same as swatches!

So as you can see there's not a huge difference between a bunch of the shades except for a slight undertone (and #5 because it's a bit more pigmented and a lot more noticeable in person... the lighting wasn't the best for this). Do you need all 5? No. Do you only want one? Also No. If you're really into this type of lip gloss I recommend three of them for sure! I'm really surprised at my choices because none of them involve the two colours that caught my eyes when I first saw the pictures.

#1 Flight for your White to Party is perfect on top of any lipstick that you want to spice up a bit. It's by far my favourite scent and taste out of the bunch too! #4 Toffee Talk is also amazing and in person it looks a bit more pigmented, making it wearable enough for me to not wear any lip product underneath. It's very natural and like the rest of the lip glosses tastes great! Finally, #5 Better Off Red is perfect to wear on it's own! It's decently pigmented and I find myself bringing this to work with me all the time because it's so easy to take off (I honestly just lick it off because it tastes so good) so I don't have to struggle before eating lunch. It also looks amazing on top of lipsticks and gives them a bit of an oomf. I'll insert a photo below from Instagram when I was wearing a very natural "my lips but better" lipstick (Rimmel Kate Moss #105) with Better Off Red on top!

Check out Flickable's website and social media! Remember that they are available at the Hudson's Bay exclusively for everyone in Canada (aka me and my fellow makeup addicts). I really do love these and I'm so happy that glossy lips are finally making their way back! Especially these ones because my hair doesn't get stuck in them nearly as much as the other glosses that I own!                                                                                                                     Instagram: @flickable
Facebook: @flickable                                                                                                                                
    Pinterest: Flickable

*I received the items mentioned for free in exchange for a review. As usual all opinions are my own!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Weleda Blogger Box Review
May 29, 20170 Comments

I received a new blogger box from Msquared brands a month ago filled with several awesome Weleda products! The items ranged from a toothpaste to body-washes to face creams. All of the products that I received were different from the previous blogger box, which is super exciting because I love trying new things out.

I'll start off with the Mighty Essentials bag that came filled with sample sized products.

Skin Food Ultra-Rich Cream

I was really excited to see that I got the famous Skin Food product that I've been seeing people raving about. While I hadn't actually read any reviews on it, I have tried it a few times and was confused at first. I did notice that it's very moisturizing, but I had no clue what it was truly meant for. I hopped online and looked up reviews and it's basically a super-product (if that makes any sense) that helps with dry skin. I now use this on dry patches that I find on my face—mainly where there are old acne spots that have dried up. I don't know that it's a holy grail product as I have a skin care routing that really works for me, but this is great to chuck in a bag because it apparently works well on eczema!

UPDATE: This is magic! I learned that this can be used on acne and it shrunk my acne down so quickly! It even made my cystic acne come out quicker and shrink right down while keeping it from turning red! Now that I know that this is pretty much sorcery I'm 95% going to buy the full size with the coupon because I've never used anything that has worked so well to get rid of my acne! This in conjunction with the salicylic acid that I have is perfection!

Salt Toothpaste

The toothpaste was... interesting. It really cleaned my teeth, but the taste is horrible! I'm Brazilian and love adding extra salt to food (I literally put a salt packet into ketchup when eating fries), but this toothpaste just tasted wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but while it was gross my teeth did feel really nice afterwards. While I would never repurchase due to the taste, I do feel that this would be a great product for those of you with sensitive gums. Several years back when I had first gotten my braces removed I had really sensitive gums and had to do a salt rinse every night. Instead of doing a salt rinse, I feel like using this toothpaste a few times a week might help!

Tip: Use this with your toothbrush DRY. I didn't even notice that tip until I started writing this blog post. Do I think it's better than using it wet? Yes! It doesn't taste nearly as gross and it feels even cleaner!

Arnica Massage Oil

I have not tried this yet (Looking at you, Steven!), but I will hopefully soon so I can update this blog post. I didn't want to wait any longer before uploading this so this is the only product that's missing.

Almond Soothing Facial Lotion

This is pretty nice. It's nothing special because once again, I love my current skin care. I do have sensitive skin so if it's acting up for whatever reason I'll put this on my face so I don't waste any of my everyday moisturizer and this seems to do the trick to calm it down! I can see myself bringing this around if I'm sleeping over somewhere so I don't have to lug my skincare with me, but other than that I'll use it for it's purpose—soothing!

Sea Buckthorn Creamy Body Wash

This is a really nice body wash. The name isn't lying when it tells you that it's creamy. My skin feels really nice after using this and I think at this point I might only have one more use (I use a lot of body wash at a time). It seems like Weleda does a great job when it comes to body washes considering I really love the full sized one they also provided in this box! I'll talk about that one next. Fun fact about this product: The organic sea buckthorn is cultivated in Tuscany, Italy that is run by a family business that uses sustainable farming practices.

I got a $3 off of any one full-sized product coupon with the little Mighty Essentials pouch and you might be surprised to read this, but I think I'll go for the toothpaste. Not only is it affordable, it's something that I don't really already have and could come in handy if my gums ever decide to be sensitive!

Calendula Intensive Skin Recovery

This is something I definitely need to use more before giving an actual review. I have been using it and it does not irritate me. I feel like it makes my redness less visible during the day if I put it on at night, but I need to use it for a while longer to see if it actually repairs my skin!

Evening Primerose Revitalizing Body Wash

This is amazing! I love this stuff so much and wish it were easier to find in person. This is so soft and does not irritate my skin whatsoever. Not even on my shins! My shins and tops of my feet are the most sensitive parts of my body considering that's where all of my eczema shows up at the end of summer. This just cleaned my super well as well as moisturized me. I'm very impressed by it. I also really like the scent! You don't need too much product at once, which is great for me because I usually use a ton of product, but this will probably last me another month, which is pretty awesome!

Evening Primerose Age Revitalizing Day cream

This is a pretty average day cream for the price. It's better than the drugstore moisturizers that I've tried, but in comparison to the high end ones it doesn't really do anything special. My mom uses this the most because I have my moisturizer that I love so much. This is probably the most "eh" product out of the bunch in my opinion, but it's still not bad which says a lot about Weleda.

Evening Primerose Age Revitalizing Night Cream

This is surprisingly a lot better than the day cream. I've tried this at least 4–6 times and it really moisturized my face without irritating it. I woke up every morning with my skin feeling nice and not dehydrated. I do use a few serums under my moisturizer, which definitely adds to the feeling of my skin, but in comparison to the day cream I find this one way more worth it!

Overall I really liked the Weleda blogger box! I highly recommend their products because they do work and the ingredients are very good! I tried out a few of their products in the last blogger box so I will link that right here for you to check out!

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you've tried out any of these products and how you liked them!

- Amy

Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 2017 Life Update!
May 20, 20170 Comments

This is obviously not a review post, but I wanted to update the few of you who do read my blog and/or watch my videos. A lot has changed and will continue to change in the upcoming months. I'll quickly round up what's happened so far. I graduated university! (Well my actual graduation is in June, but I'm done classes and final exams and have also received all of my final grades back. Yay!) I also started my full time job and have moved into my mom's tiny condo for the time being until Steven and I get a new apartment.

With these new behind-the-scene changes, a few evident changes have occurred.

My Instagram has been extremely neglected

My Instagram has been pretty awful lately. I've rarely been posting due to the new lack of time that I've had.I think I've posted two pictures int he last month... maybe three if I'm lucky. I've unfortunately been dropping in followers, but I expect it considering a bunch of them are accounts that follow me in hopes for a follow back.

I don't have much free time... in a new way

When I say new, I mean very different. Now that classes are over and I only have a full time job (I had full time class with lots of commuting time AND a 20 hr minimum a week part time job before) my free time has been utilized differently. For the first two weeks I re-edited my entire book and sent it off to my publisher to go through an official editing process. I have also been posting videos very frequently because I had a lot of declutter videos pre-filmed. I've also been working with brands behind the scenes, which means I've been trying out a lot of different products.

Stuff has been going on behind the scenes

So far you've seen one review post, but I have at least three more coming within the next month! Nothing is a secret, but I still want to have a bit of a surprise factor so I'm only telling you the subject for the reviews. One is a review of one brands several natural skin care products, another revolves around a lipstick collection that I have already mentioned on my blog and YouTube, and two are all about hair, though they deal with completely different aspects of it!

Now onto what's actually happening for the next few months.

I've mentioned several times on my YouTube channel that I want to go in a different direction. I truly enjoy doing reviews and just know that makeup tutorials as a focus just aren't for me. Don't get me wrong—I LOVE makeup, but I'm not great at creating makeup looks and I know there's just too much of it out there. I don't have anything new to bring to the table. However, everyone has different skin-tones, skin types, hair types, face and body shapes, etc. Because of this it just makes sense to be able to review a product based on my appearance and how my body/face reacts to it. This means that the possibilities are basically endless and it's not pointless to share my opinions on the products and how they look and work on me. I just won't be doing tutorials often. They'll be left for special occasions or if I just feel like filming myself getting ready for something. I won't be doing "How to do winged liner" type tutorials because I honestly don't know how and still take at least 30 minutes to get it right. I want my channel to focus on reviews, hauls, tips, and even throw in a few lifestyle videos including actual life advice, story time videos, DIY videos, and more! I just want my channel to be about myself personally and not trying to be like everyone else. This might even include occasional vlogs!

As for my blog—It's going to stay the same. I mainly reserve this for product reviews, but I'll probably start throwing a few new things in here once we move.

So. What is my new schedule? I'll be uploading once a week, but as usual no promises. This should be manageable, but my mom's place is extremely small and I'm already sleeping behind the kitchen table on the ground. It's hard to find space to film and time considering the sunlight is pretty bad when I'm home from work. Once a week should be fine and perhaps I'll throw in an extra video once in a while if I manage to have the time to film one. Blog posts will come as I test new products out (for a sufficient amount of time). Instagram will continue to be a work in progress since I don't have time to do more creative looks. Perhaps once we move I will have more to work with inspiration wise.

That's it for now! I will probably write update posts every time something major changes. The next one will be when we move into our next apartment in a few months!

See you soon with another review :D

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Optically Canada ~ Opium Sunglasses Review
May 04, 20170 Comments

I was recently contacted by Optically Canada to do a review and I of course accepted because I love sunglasses and they have some amazing products. You can purchase their glasses online at their Canadian website (If you live in Canada, of course). Optically let me pick out a pair so I ended up choosing the Opium OP1410 C04 style which I'm absolutely in love with! I didn't own a pair like these and I'm so happy I made the choice. Here's a picture of them:

Optically Canada offers glasses as affordable as $9. They offer regular prescription glasses as well as prescription and non-prescription sunglasses. The pair that I have does not have a prescription because I haven't been to the optometrist in over 5 years (oops), but I will make it a point to go in the near future so if I do end up needing a prescription, I'll make sure to order glasses (sunglasses and probably regular lenses as well) to go along with it. The sunglasses that Optically Canada sent me are currently priced at $39 on their website.

While Optically has affordable glasses, they also stock designer glasses brands such as Gucci, Fendi, Jimmy Choo, and so much more! I'm not one to care about brand names so I'll be sticking to whatever I like that I can afford, but for those of you that love all things designer, you'll find a great variety on their website!

I can't speak for every pair of glasses on the website, but I can for my pair. The quality is great and the glasses come in a very sturdy case that won't crush the glasses if you accidentally sit on them (I've been guilty several times in the past of this). I love the shape of these along with the lens colour. You can actually choose your lens colour and opacity on the website for an extra small cost, which is cool since I know people who are very particular about the colour.

The shape is very flattering and I wish I were better at figuring out the names of glasses shapes. I know they aren't aviators, but I really like them as well. I have an odd nose to eyebrow ratio (if that makes any sense) where most sunglasses completely cover my eyebrows. These still let them poke through so strangers that may see me in public will still know that I do indeed have eyebrows! The neutral lens colour is really nice on my eyes. The sunglasses do what they're meant to do while being cute so it's a win-win situation with them!

The website allows you to select whether you want mens or womens glasses. Many pairs, including mine, are considered unisex, which is great if you want to share a pair with someone else. Steven put these on as a joke and was surprised that they didn't make him look girly and that they actually fit! These glasses were just a perfect match. Click on the link if you want to view their women's sunglasses!

Optically offers several services such as reglazing your existing glasses. I've never actually heard of this before reading it on their site, but I guess it's a thing! If you have glasses that you love, but you need a new prescription and don't want to shell out the money for a whole new pair, check out the reglazing service that Optically offers and you might just find what you're looking for!

The verdict? I obviously really like these! My coworkers thought they were super cute and my mom even attempted to steal the case that they came in. I'm probably going to end up buying her a pair as well considering her current sunglasses aren't the cutest... but with that being said this is the end of my review.

Please check out Optically if you are planning on buying glasses or sunglasses any time soon. The prices are great and the selection is awesome!

And check out my Instagram post from a few days ago when I wore them on a super cloudy day (Thanks Canadian weather) and they still managed to look really cute!

See you soon!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Moor Spa  ~ Natural body care product review
April 22, 20170 Comments
The lovely team at Moor Spa reached out to me a few months ago regarding natural body products! I was sent a moisturizer, a herbal bath, and a massage balm to try out for a little while and share my thoughts. I've been using these products for almost a month now so I feel confident in my opinions!

Moor Spa Natural only uses natural ingredients while remaining vegan and cruelty free. This may be obvious since I already said their products are natural, but they also 100% naturally sourced, free of toxins, parabens, and chemicals. This is a huge plus for me because I have normal to sensitive skin, especially on my legs, specifically my shin area, so finding a moisturizer that doesn't irritate my skin is fairly hard to do.

Moor Spa Purifying Massage Balm - MSRP $25 CAD

Website: "As soon as the product touches the skin it melts into a liquid oil which has a superb glide and warms up remarkably quickly. Also, by comparison with massage oils and lotions, only half the quantity of  balm is needed."

This is nice! I've used this a few times because Steven refuses to give me a massage every day, but it's always been very nice. The scent is very light and it feels very nice on my skin. My back wasn't irritated at all minus the redness from Steven giving me a massage. This is probably due to there not being much friction since this is very smooth and silky feeling. The product claims to be non-greasy and I was surprised to see that an oil can actually be non greasy. You have to try it to understand! I did not get a rash from this product and it didn't make my pj's feel or smell gross afterwards!

Moor Spa Herbal Bath - MSRP $11 (or 5 for $45) CAD

Website: The water-soluble nutrients in the Moor create a soothing and purifying effect for the whole body. Take a Moor bath for a relaxing, reinvigorating bathing experience.

This was very fun for me! I don't currently have a bathtub where I live, but my mom has one and I visited her at the end of March. I know this looks really dark in the bag, but I was expecting it to be a very light grey colour in a full bath tub. I was so surprised that the water basically turned black, but found it really awesome. Here's a picture I posted on my Instagram

A post shared by Amy Sousa (@beautybyamysousa) on

The instructions say to run a warm bath, but not too warm because it may cause you to feel drowsy. Both my mom and Steven were in the house with me so I decided to rebel and run a hot bath because I was feeling pretty sore and love the feeling of hot water. I didn't feel drowsy at all, but that doesn't mean that you should do the same. Basically do as I say, not as I do. My muscles definitely felt a bit better and my skin felt really smooth. This didn't smell strange, but natural in a good way. I also wanted to mention that this was very easy to rinse out from the tub. I was worried that it would clog because there were a few squishy pieces in the bag, but they dissolved in the tub for the most part and easily went down the drain. The little pieces that stayed behind were easy to rinse off with the shower head and a normal sponge to make everything white again. I did run hot water down the drain after completely rinsing the bath just to be safe, but you're probably ok if you don't. If you're into bath products I highly recommend trying this out. Especially because the price is so good!

Moor Spa Body Lotion - MSRP $26 CAD 

Website: "A unique blend of Moor plus chamomile, arnica, wild yam and sweet potato extracts leaves the skin soft, smooth and well hydrated."

I was a bit confused by the name of this product because it's so literal. Not that it's a bad thing, but I'm used to products with really long names that have a million claims promoted on the packaging. I like the simplicity of this and find the packaging to be quite attractive (I like white and the blue/green). There is a light scent with this as well and the product feels cooling when you apply it. I've been using this every time I remember to and it always makes my skin instantly look more alive. I have very dry skin on my legs and often look patchy, but this really does help it if I actually use it frequently. While it is a bit pricy for the size, this is natural like the other products and no animals are harmed, which makes it worth a higher price tag. For me the most important thing about a body moisturizer is that it doesn't irritate my skin and this lives up to my expectations!

 I have a form of eczema that I can't remember the name of (it's a rare form) where moisture (including body lotions) usually irritate it. My form of eczema doesn't really occur in the winter, mainly in Autumn, so I didn't have to worry about it right now, but it's nice to know that this doesn't irritate my skin. I'll definitely be using this when my eczema returns because it is very light and natural. I don't think this would work to make your skin look perfectly moisturized in one go so I'd opt for a thicker body butter type of product for that, but for an everyday product this is really amazing!

So overall I'm impressed and really enjoyed all three products!

If you're interested in purchasing any of these products, email to request a spa code so you can make a purchase :) If you decide to do this, tell them that Amy Sousa sent you! I don't make any commission so don't worry about that!

*These products were sent to me as PR for review consideration
*I was not paid to talk about the products and will not make any money off of purchase
*As usual all opinions are my own
