Work Appropriate Makeup and Outfits - Business/Casual - Pretty In Bronze

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Work Appropriate Makeup and Outfits - Business/Casual

Hello all (maybe one or two of you)! I wanted to make a helpful video and blog post for those of you that are in my position work wise. I currently work full time at my university as a Copyright Clerk, which requires me to dress professionally. In the past I've always worked in retail so my outfits were always well... casual. The only job I worked at before this one was professional, but I worked from home so I usually just wore PJ's. Here's the video I made and if you prefer reading check below for a quick list of tips and pics!

Makeup Guide:

  • As much of a natural looking foundation as possible. Unfortunately cake face is frowned upon in the professional world of business. Most employers don't want you wearing a lot of makeup and the first step to that is a lightweight foundation or a higher coverage BB cream. I personally use just concealers in my problem areas because I work at a desk and the only people I meet with are professors who don't care what I look like, but if I can get their stuff done quickly.

Eye Makeup:

Go natural. Light browns, peaches, champagne colours are best. Avoid shimmery/glittery eyeshadow and going too dark. Just using a colour base such as a MAC paint pot like I do (sometimes with a light brown in the crease, especially on Fridays).  This will block out the veins and discolouration

  • Mascara: This you don't have to worry about. Just don't do too many layers and make it look too clumpy. One or two layers is plenty. Also, no falsies unless you work in a field where it would make sense.
  • Liner: Tightlining is perfectly acceptable, but winged liner and putting black liner in your water line is generally a no no when it comes to being professional in a business type job. There's really no use and a lot of time employers might think you're trying too hard. 
  • Lipstick: Nudes (not "I just came back from the dead" or "this matches my foundation nude"), natural pinks, and sometimes even red lipstick are the way to go. I'd say make sure your red lipstick has a warmer undertone or it might draw too much attention to the rest of your makeup.

The Rest:
  • Bronzer: Bronzing up your face a little bit (keyword: LITTLE) is perfectly fine, but seriously. Don't go crazy carving out your face. Though it may look amazing and glam, that's not what your job is. Unless it is and you work in the field of makeup then go as crazy and glamorous as you want. But if you're working in business like me stick to minimal.
  • Blush: Same rule as bronzer, just as natural as you can get and stay away from shimmer. You don't want to go overboard with the pink stuff.
  • Brows: Just make them as natural as you possibly can. Try not to make the lines too perfectly straight or make your brows too dark. Also don't carve them out. While brows frame your face, they won't help you in your career.

Outfit guide:

  • One black
  • One skin tone/nude/possibly brown
  • One fun colour (in my case hot pink)
The black and nude will work with a lot of different coloured shirts (to wear underneath) and accessories (necklaces, bracelets, rings), but nothing too crazy!

With the fun colour you should only wear this once in a while, but when you do I highly recommend wearing either a white or black shirt with it. Here's an awkward iPhone pic from when I wore this to a job interview.

  • Black dress pants
  • Regular black pants
  • Khaki
  • Skirts

Black dress pants and regular pants are a no brainer when it comes to business/casual. Though they aren't actually that easy to find. I personally prefer the regular pants because they aren't as flowy and because I just wear flats every day to work.

Khaki pants are what I like to wear for casual Friday. They still look professional, but they're comfortable enough for going out after work to the mall, movies, or home to watch Netflix.
